Flower bouquet congratulating on the move.

New Location for the Yellow Submarine Akihabara RPG Shop

After years in their previous location, the Yellow Submarine Akihabara RPG shop moved to a new location close to Suehirocho station. Curious to check out the new location, I dropped by for their grand opening on October 28th.View of the shop from the entry way showing a table with sale items and shelves of games in the background.
Entryway to the building. The Yellow Submarine sign is on the far left.

While partly due to familiarity, the old location felt easier to find, but it depends on the direction you’re coming from. From Suehirocho station, another large sign hides the Yellow Submarine sign, but coming the opposite direction, from Akihabara station, it’s easy to see.

The building itself seems newer and better lit than the previous one. Like before, there is a single elevator, which can fill up during popular times. The merchandise portion of the shop felt similar in size, if slightly smaller, but the place space was much smaller with just two tables.

A section with games by Japanese designers that include English rules.The staff had managed to move and setup most of their products except for used TRPGs, only a few which were present in a case. One thing that caught my eye was a section for Japanese games with English rules included. I don’t recall that section before, but it’s possible I missed it. Given the number of people I’ve seen wanting to explore domestic Japanese games in English, it seems like a great idea.
As before, the selection was extensive. One nice thing they did was keep enough sale stock so that each day of the grand opening event would have Lucky Bags and specially discounted items.
Simulation games to the left, with TRPG new releases and D&D to the right.
Simulation games to the left, with TRPG new releases and D&D to the right.

Aisle of RPG books.


Shelf of TRPG books in the foreground and board games in the background.

The Tokyo Shops page has been updated with their new location.

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